Prihatin kebajikan pelajar
Oleh Hajah Saemah Zulkefli

Derma anak yatim diserahkan oleh Pengetua Sekolah Menengah Perdana
Wazir Kuala Belait, Hajah Noraini Ibrahim
KUALA BELAIT, 21 Ogos - Sekolah Menengah Perdana Wazir tidak ketinggalan
menganjurkan majlis penyampaian derma anak yatim dan bersungkai bersama mereka
di sini sebagai salah satu kerja amal sekolah. Majlis anjuran bahagian Kaunseling dan Kerjaya
bersama dengan bahagian Hal Ehwal Pelajar dan Bahagian Agama sekolah juga merupakan
salah satu kegiatan sebagai memberikan keprihatinan dan menjaga kebajikan pelajar-pelajar
di sekolah itu. Program juga merupakan program yang dikendalikan oleh Pelajar Pembimbing
Rakan Sebaya (PRS) sekolah dan memberikan peluang kepada pelajar berkenaan melaksanakan
program mereka sebagai tugasan awal. Seramai tiga puluh tujuh orang anak-anak yatim sekolah
tersebut menerima sumbangan derma yang telah disempurnakan penyerahannya oleh Pengetua
Sekolah Menengah Perdana Wazir Hajah Noraini Ibrahim. Program yang telah melibatkan
seramai 27 orang pelajar-pelajar PRS pada majlis itu telah dimulakan dengan bacaan tahlil dan doa
arwah dipimpin oleh Awang Mohammad Hafiz Haji Hamzulani Ketua Prefek sekolah.Majlis
diteruskan dengan bersungkai bersama-sama kemudian mengerjakan sembahyang Fardu Maghrib
berjemaah di Surau Sekolah Menengah Perdana Wazir.

Sultan visits SM Perdana Wazir

By Syafiq Affendy

His Majesty consents to cutting a vegetarian birthday cake that was baked by students of the Food and Nutrition booth for the monarch's 65th birthday

His Majesty talks with a student regarding her science project

A student makes a rough sketch of His Majesty based on the drawing concept of 'contour lines', while another student provides the monarch with an explanation

His Majesty scrolls through a student's animation project on her laptop, while another student waits in turn for the opportunity to present a 'pesambah'. Photos: Khairil Hassan
The Perdana Wazir Secondary School in Kuala Belait became part
of the itinerary as His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of
Brunei Darussalam made a friendly visit in conjunction with the
presentation of houses, which were part of the Kampong Panaga
2,000-unit National Housing Scheme, yesterday.

His Majesty consented to tour the school in order to view the
conditions and atmosphere, portraying his consistent concerns
 regarding the provision of excellent education for his subjects.
During the visit His Majesty visited booths located at the
school's multipurpose hall, in which His Majesty consented
 to interact with students and receive various pesambah as
gifts commemorating His Majesty's recent birthday.

Nurfaizah Sani and Siti Nur Asyiqin Abdullah were among
the first to receive a visit by His Majesty, who looked at
 their handmade projects for the History booth.
The Food and Nutrition booth saw His Majesty officially
cuts a vegetarian birthday cake prepared by students.

Meanwhile at the Business Studies booth, Muhammad
Syafiq Shahdan, was honoured to present a pesambah
of a homemade greeting card containing lots of greetings
 signed by students of Young Entrepreneurs Club.

A very interesting animation presentation also caught the
attention of His Majesty at the Multimedia booth where
talented Kamilah Kifli demonstrated animation production
skills to His Majesty. The animation is an entry produced
and submitted by Kamilah for the Drugs Abuse Education
for Career and Counselling Competition. The school has
previously earned a spot in the top five during the
competitions held in 2008 and 2010.

Muhd Syarifuddin Abdul Halim was another fortunate
student who was presented with an opportunity to display
his ability in a freehand drawing technique referred to as
'contour lines', where he drew a depiction of His Majesty
on a piece of paper without taking his eyes off his monarch.

Aspiring journalists Adibah Hanim and Auji Haziqah from
 the Journalism Club presented His Majesty with a pesambah
 in the form of a copy of the school's newsletter, which had
been compiled and arranged by students of the club, as well
as getting His Majesty's consent to sign a commemorative

A demonstration by the Touch Rugby Club then ensued with
the club's coach cum English teacher, Noel Fe'ao of New Zealand
watching the proceedings. Fe'ao has only been in the country for
four months and stated that he finds Brunei to be a very pleasant
country to reside in courtesy of the hospitality that has thus far
been shown to him by locals and students at the school. In addition,
he is also a member of the Kuala Belait Pythons rugby team
and has expressed his interest and hopes of getting students
 involved in rugby competitions.

Following the exhibitions at the multipurpose hall, His Majesty then
consented to visit classrooms and various designated facilities such
as the arts and craft room, science lab, library, canteen and other
areas of the school.


Berpeluang beri ucapan di radio dalam lawatan ke DST

Oleh Hajah Saemah Zulkefli

Ahli rombongan bergambar ramai di hadapan pintu masuk bangunan DST Group di Tunku Link.

BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, 9 Jun - Tiga puluh orang pelajar Tahun 10 Sekolah Menengah
Perdana Wazir membuat lawatan sambil belajar ke DST Tungku Link dekat sini, hari ini.

Rombongan pelawat bahagian Kaunseling dan Kerjaya itu diketuai oleh empat orang guru
pengawas  Cikgu Azlin Sabtu, Cikgu Dk Zunainah Pengiran Haji Aliudin, Cikgu Mas Yusdi
 Mazali dan Cikgu Junita Mohiddin.

Lawatan tersebut antara lain bertujuan untuk memberikan pendedahan kerjaya dan
pengalaman dalam bidang komunikasi kepada pelajar-pelajar berkenaan, selain
memberikan pengetahuan tentang peluang-peluang pekerjaan dalam bidang ini.

Di samping itu lawatan juga adalah bagi mengisi waktu cuti sekolah dengan
 perkara-perkara yang berguna dan boleh menambah pengetahuan dan pengalaman mereka.
Rombongan turut diberikan taklimat ringkas mengenai penubuhan DST Group dan
penerangan mengenai produk-produk yang terdapat di syarikat tersebut, seterusnya
rombongan juga dibawa melawat ke beberapa bahagian bangunan DST di situ.

Para pelawat turut berpeluang menemui DJ Yanti yang sedang bertugas yang seterusnya
 mengundang salah seorang pelawat untuk menjadi wakil memberikan ucapan secara
langsung di udara.

School programme on handling social issues
By Hanni ABD

THE Career and Counselling Department of Perdana Wazir Secondary School in collaboration
 with the school's Students Affairs, Discipline  and Religious department organised a programme
for over 300 male school students on managing social issues.

The programme was facilitated by school counsellor Cikgu Mas Yusdi bin Mazali, religious teacher
Cikgu Yusri Bin Sulaiman and discipline teacher Cikgu Pg Hjh Rahman bte Pg Hj Abas.

The objectives of the programme were to expose the students to current social issues, to share
information and advice between twachers and students and to provide awareness among students 
on teh dangers of getting involved in negative activities.

The issues spoken during the programme were vandalism, rape, extortion, molestation, theft, robbery,
 gambling, loitering, casual sexual acts, alcohol consumption, being disrespectful, gang fights, smoking,
and drug abuse.

The programme took place at the school's Surau. 

SM Perdana Wazir holds social issues talk for students
By Hanni ABD

Students listening to a talk on social issues. - HANNI ABD
The Perdana Wazir Secondary School recently organised a talk addressing social issues
that was intended for 107 secondary students studying at the school in Kuala Belait.

The programme is the result of a collaboration between three of the school's departments,
namely the Career and Counselling, Discipline and Religious Departments.

The event was facilitated by Cikgu Dk Zunainah Pg Hj Aliuddin, Cikgu Dk Hjh Rahmah
Pg Hj Abas, Cikgu Nor Sadiyah and Cikgu Kalthum Hj Abd Hamid.

The talk was meant to raise awareness among students on the negative effects of getting
involved in unhealthy social activities and to encourage them to lead a healthy lifestyle,
away from negative influences.

The programme was carried out separately for female and male students.